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What is agroforestry and why is it vital to the climate fight?




While agroforestry systems are already widespread in many parts of the world, a number of landowners and farmers in the UK are hesitant to make changes to their operations.

What is agroforestry?

Agroforestry is the practice of mixing forestry and agricultural practices which benefits people, wildlife and the environment.

This can mean growing both trees and crops on the same piece of land. Or allowing animals to wander, feed and shelter in areas of woodland.

This differs from traditional forestry and agriculture by focusing on the positive interactions between the practices rather than operating them separately.

Why is it important?

Agroforestry boosts the land’s resilience and makes it less dependent on oil and chemical-based fertilisers and pesticides. This means it’s more able to face climatic extremes, such as wetter winters or extreme dry periods in the spring and summer.

Healthier soil stores, or sequesters, more carbon – keeping it out of our overheating atmosphere.

Agroforestry can also prevent soil compaction – a complex problem faced by farmers in which soil, crops, weather and machinery interact to create impermeable layers within the soil that restrict water and nutrient cycles. Combining growing trees and animal grazing helps prevent this and protects the soil structure.

Agroforestry is beneficial for biodiversity as animals and plants are continually interacting in natural environments. This leaves space for a variety of other species to become established and leads to a wider diversity of plants within forests.

Why has UK uptake of agroforesty lagged behind other countries?

Beth Brook, CEO of The Heart of England Forest, a UK-based conservation and reforestation charity, said: “Although the concept of agroforestry has been a traditional way of managing land efficiently and effectively for centuries and so is nothing new, in the recent past the UK has lagged behind other countries mainly due to historic agricultural and land use policy.

“At a policy level, historically forestry and farming have been dealt with as two completely separate matters, and policy and grant funding have reflected this.

“Although both areas now sit together within the Defra family, they continue to be dealt with separately, resulting in unintended consequences when it comes to the grants that are administered for both agriculture and forestry.

“We are hopeful that the new Environmental Land Management funding which is due to begin in 2024 will be more forward-thinking than previous funding and will encourage the use of agroforestry and other methods of sustainable land management.”

What is required for more mixed-use land in the UK?

Establishing high-quality examples of agroforestry in the UK, with practioners who are willing to share knowledge and expertise, will help to increase the practice as farmers learn from each other, Ms Brook says.

“What we need to see is Government giving early, clear signals through the Environmental Land Management scheme that agroforestry will be supported, and instilling confidence in the sector, empowering change from within,” she added.

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