Now it is very important to restore the rights of the people of Nagorno Karabakh in accordance with international norms. Luis Moreno Ocampo, the former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, stated this in an interview with Armenpress.
“I think it’s important now that France is pushing for that. That’s an important state that is pushing the agenda and it’s something we should fight for. We should fight for gaining respect of the right of the people, because the people, even if they are not there, they are still the owners of the land and the place, so their rights must be respected. And I think a different priority is to recover, to release the hostages. There are 53 people in jail in Azerbaijan. The problem is international law is not something like if someone steals your bike, you can go to the police and the courts. No, there’s nothing like that. We have the International Court of Justice presumably for states, and there is the International Criminal Court for prosecuting individuals. The legal process for releasing these people is not clear, but we should develop the process politically. That is why this meeting [i.e. the conference on Nagorno Karabakh in the European Parliament] is important,” Ocampo said.
Commenting on the international community’s inaction in this regard, he said: “Well, that is a problem, a failure by design. Because the world has no global institutions. Basically, the only global independent institution is the International Criminal Court, that’s it. That’s not enough. Imagine a country with just one court, no government, no political system. So, Armenia should be involved in resolving the problem. And that’s why meetings like this, discussions with political leaders about what they can do and articulating that with the European Union, with the ICC, that is what we need to do. Armenia is showing that it’s not just Armenia at risk, but civilization is at risk, and that’s why Armenians are not alone. But Armenia is crucial. Armenia has a very important community around the world, so it’s an incredible strength you have there, and we can use it.”
And with respect to the fact that some conflicts get more attention than others, Ocampo stated: “Well, the media’s span of attention is only 6 seconds. That’s normal. The Darfur genocide was top in the media, then came the Arab Spring, then Libya, then Syria, then Russia, Yezidis, then Rohingya. There’s always a new conflict covering the failure of the previous conflict. And that’s why this year we are on the topic of having five genocides in only 2023. Now is the time to fix it. The fact that the Armenian community and the Jewish community are so widespread could really help to transform this situation. I understand it is a very difficult moment for the Armenian community that even attacks on Armenia are possible, but you must understand that you never win if you stop fighting. So, you have to keep on fighting, and you are not alone.”