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2 India regions ban cotton candy sale due to cancer risk



The Indian state of Tamil Nadu and the union territory of Puducherry have banned the sale of cotton candy due to the discovery of chemicals in it that cause cancer, Livemint reported.

Rhodamine B coloring agent is used in textile industry, medicine, and for preparation of inks and cosmetics. It is a purple-red dye that has fluorescence properties. As noted by the US National Library of Medicine, long-term consumption of Rhodamine B in food leads to liver dysfunction or cancer, as well as acute poisoning.

The ban on the sale of cotton candy in Tamil Nadu was followed by its ban in the neighboring union territory of Puducherry. The latter’s deputy governor, Tamilisai Soundararajan, said that officials have been instructed to inspect shops selling cotton candy and confiscate it if Rhodamine B is found in their products. Also, she warned people not to give children food with coloring additives.

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